Performance Technology Center (FC-Tptc)
As the Service Center for all human performance analyses and performance interventions, the PTC maintains and enforces the Coast Guard standard operating procedures (SOPs) for analysis and advanced distributed learning (ADL), as well as the governing doctrine for tactics, techniques, and procedures. PTC conducts performance analyses and design, develops and distributes ADL and TTP in response to programmatic requirements. The PTC serves as the Mandated Training Program Management Office (MT PMO), conducts evaluations to maximize return-on-investment, assists major acquisition projects, and provides SABA training, and maintains the products in the Analysis Library, the Learning Management System (LMS), the TTP Library, and the electronic performance support system (EPSS) repository. PTC serves an integral HPT advocacy role internal and external to the Coast Guard and serves as the link to DHS and DoD for ADL and TTP initiatives.
PTC Innovation Initiatives:
YouTube "CG How 2" Videos
Mobile Applications - Performance Support (Under Construction)
The Go-To Place for "Field-Sourced" How-To Videos
People Need to know how to do stuff to do their job ...
You know how to do stuff ...
Isn't it time you shared!?
The purpose of the page is to help you get started in producing short, task-based how-to videos.
Checklist How to Create a Video
Coast Guard External Affairs Manual
CGTTP 1-04 1 External Affairs