Traffic Management Office EMAIL: D08-PF-XATMO-TMO@USCG.MIL
(251) 441-6717 option 6
Operating Hours: 0730 - 1530 M-F
Appointment hours: 0830-1430 M-F
(By appointment only; remember to bring a copy of your travel orders.)
Customer Service Contact Numbers:
Shipment Management: JPPSO San Antonio, TX: 1-800-599-7709
Quality Control Section: Keesler AFB, MS: 1-228-376-8522
For members shipping watercraft 14 feet or longer must meet with a Transportation Officer in order to ship your vessel.
Members electing to store HHG in non-temp storage; must meet with a Transportation Officer.
All members must have a DPS Account already set up with before receiving an appointment date.
Please click on the links provided for instructions on “Self-Counseling” for your HHG/PPM move.
Once you submit your on-line application, it will be received and processed by the Personal Property Office. A Transportation counselor will review your information to ensure that it is complete and accurate.
Note: Your move cannot be scheduled until you have provided orders and other supporting documents, if applicable, to the transportation office. All counseling related documents must be provided to the transportation office within 6 business days of submitting your application. For a short notice pickup, (requesting pickup within 5 business days), please provide supporting documentation as soon as possible.