Local Information

The LDC is co-located onboard the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. Our base offers a wide range of services, dining facilities, and MWR activities. We are conveniently located close to New London’s waterfront, which offers many restaurants and off-base activities.


  • ATM Locations

There are three ATM locations on the base:

  • Inside Johnson Hall (directly across from Munro Barracks) as you walk in the main entrance towards the Exchange

  • Inside Chase Hall outside of the Book Store (directly across from the Medical Clinic)

  • Inside Leamy Hall (outside of the Dry Dock restaurant)

    Note: All dining facilities at the base are cash only; the Exchange and MWR accept charge cards.



PHONE (860)


Academy Memorial Chapel


Wed 1915 Protestant and Catholic Vespers in Leamy Hall; Sun 0900 Catholic Mass in the Chapel; Sun 1030 Protestant Worship in the Chapel

All Hands Dining, Chase


Daily: Breakfast 0630 to 0730; Lunch 1130 to 1300; Dinner 1700 to 1800

Barber/Beauty, Chase


Mon - Fri: 0800 to 1600; Sat: 0900 to 1200

Book Store, Chase


Mon - Fri: 0730 to 1600; Academic semester hours on 25 Aug open Sat 0730 to 1600

Bowling Alley, Leamy


Summer: booking parties only, call for group reservation; after Labor Day: daily 0800 to 2000 and Friday all night

Credit Union – Navy Federal


Mon - Fri 0730 to 1600

Dry Dock Restaurant, Leamy


Daily: Breakfast 0700 to 1000; Lunch 1100 to 1330; Dinner 1700 to 2200

Dry Cleaners, Chase


Mon - Fri: 0800 to 1800

Exchange/Mini Mart Colocated


Exchange: Mon - Fri 0800 to 1700; Sat 0900 to 1500; Sun 1100 to 1500

Health Primary Care


Sick Call: Mon - Fri 0700-0800; Schedule Appointments: Mon - Fri 0700 to 1500

Health Pharmacy


Mon - Fri 0700 to 1115 and 1300 to 1515; Wednesday afternoon closed for training



Summer: Mon - Fri 0730 to 1630; Academic semester hours begin Aug 26: Mon - Fri 0730 to 2400; Sat 1000 to 2300; Sun 1000 to 2400

Mail Room Window Hours


Mon - Fri 0900 to 1130 and 1230 to 1600

Munro Guest Quarters Manage


Mon - Fri 0800 to 1600



Summer: Mon - Fri 0900 to 1630 only; Academic semester hours: Mon - Fri 0900 to 1630; Sat 1000 to 1630 and Sun 1200 to 1630

MWR Discount Tickets


Mon - Fri 730 to 1600

MWR Equipment Rental


Mon - Fri 730 to 1600

O'Club Dining


Lunch: Mon - Fri 1130 to 1300; Happy Hour: Fri 1530





Base Status

When inclement weather is expected, call the Storm Information Hotline 860-701-6110, which is updated daily no later than 0530, 1 December-31 March, and as necessary the rest of the year. In addition, monitor local news outlets for the latest information.

If stationed at CGA or the LDC, the Alert and Warning System will be utilized to communicate base status changes.



Computer Lab

  • The Leadership Development Center (LDC) has a computer lab located in Yeaton Hall, classroom 205. The lab offers WSIII Main Domain workstations, which students may use on a 24/7 basis. In addition, two small computer installations are available in Munro Hall. Upon arrival, your instructor will explain how to access both buildings.

    Depending on the course you attend, an instructor will brief you on the system and the Microsoft Office package, the many Coast Guard specific applications (i.e., FCCS, MISLE, etc.), and the Adobe PDF creation software.

    The LDC is a member of the Coast Guard Main Domain, and students from other Main Domain activities can use their regular USCG accounts. However, the connectivity may be spotty. Some students have experienced an inability to use their email accounts or access their personal files from their home base while at the LDC. This may be overcome by using the "Remote Desktop Connection" feature. It is recommended that you obtain the Name and/or IP address of your Personal Computer (PC) at your normal workstation. (Your local computer support personnel will be able to assist you in obtaining this information prior to your departure). Students should ensure that their home base PC is left on and no one else will be using it during their stay in New London. Most students will be offered a Student User ID that they can use to complete class assignments, maintain connectivity with home base, etc.

  • Contact Information

  • For more information or assistance contact:

Commanding Officer



Executive Officer



Command Master Chief



Training Officer









Munro Hall Guest Quarters






Chief Petty Officer Academy


Command and Operations


Chief Petty Officer Academy


Boat Forces Command Cadre


Chief Petty Officer Academy-Reserve


Bridge Resource Management




Command Assignment Preparatory Training


Leadership and Organizational Performance


International Maritime Officers Course


Alexander Hamilton Award


Prospective Commanding Officer/Executive Officer School


Apprentice Leadership Program


Prospective Operations Officer School


Commandants Performance Excellence Criteria




Leadership and Management School


Officer Accessions


New London


Chief Warrant Officer Professional Development




Direct Commission Officer




Officer Candidate Indoctrination


Midgrade Officer Career Transition Course


Officer Candidate School


Organizational Performance Consultant


Reserve Officer Candidate Indoctrination


Senior Enlisted Leadership Course




Senior Leadership Principles and Skills




Team Leader/Facilitator





Dining Facilities

The All Hands Dining Facility is on the first floor of Chase Hall overlooking the “Old Quad.” Dining is available in the Officer’s Club directly behind Yeaton Hall (by the Leadership Development Center) for all LDC students. Meal times in the Officer’s Club and the All Hands Dining Facility are:

  • Breakfast: 0630 - 0730 (AHDF ONLY)

  • Lunch (Dinner): 1130 - 1300 (AHDF and O'Club)

  • Supper: 1700 -1800 (AHDF ONLY)

    The Dry Dock cafeteria is located on the lower level of Leamy Hall across the parking lot from Munro Hall.  The hours of operation are:

  • Breakfast: 0700 - 1000

  • Lunch (Dinner): 1100 - 1330

  • Supper: 1900 - 2200

    Each Friday, the Officer’s Club (also known as the O’Club) hosts a social hour at 1600 in the Lee Rail (lower level of O’Club). All LDC students are invited to attend.


    Medical Clinic

    Clinic treatment hours are:
    0700-0730 Sick Call (AD ONLY)
    0800-1115 Appointments
    1130-1300 Lunch
    1300-1515 Appointments (EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS-TRAINING)


    About the Clinic The U.S. Coast Guard Academy and its predecessor, the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service Training School, have been provided with medical support by the U.S. Public Health Service since the turn of the century. The Coast Guard Academy Clinic is staffed by 11 Public Health Service officers, and 35 Health Service Technicians and civilian support personnel.

  • The Academy's Medical Clinic is located in Michel Hall, which is named for RADM Carl Michel, USPHS, the Coast Guard Chief of Health Services during World War II. The clinic is a medium-sized ambulatory care clinic providing medical services delivered by:

  • family physicians

  • a physical therapy department

  • a dental clinic

  • an optometry services department

  • a psychiatrist

    There is a 10-bed infirmary for cadets and active duty personnel with mild to moderate illnesses requiring overnight observation and/or treatment only. The ambulatory clinic provides service to about 35,000 patients annually. Our pharmacy fills more than 30,000 prescriptions each year. To contact the clinic services please call 860-444-8402.

    Treatment Hours 

  • Military sick call is conducted from 0700 to 0730 (7:00 to 7:30 a.m.) Monday through Friday. Non-active duty patients and beneficiaries are not generally seen in the clinic at this time. Wednesday afternoons (1300 though 1530) are reserved for staff training.

  • All members are encouraged to use appointment slots for non-urgent health care requirements.

  • Active duty personnel or cadets who require evaluation and treatment outside of sick call hours for acute illness or injury should come to the clinic at any time or call for a same-day appointment.

  • Non-acute cases may be deferred to the next sick call or next available appointment.

  • Military sick call is carried out in the outpatient clinic area on the first floor of Michel Hall.

    Dental Hours
    Dental services are available for active duty and cadets on a scheduled basis.

  • Active duty exams and sick call are conducted on a walk-in basis at 7 a.m., Monday through Friday.

  • Cadet exams are scheduled by class annually.

  • Emergency treatment for active duty and cadets is available at all times.

    The Laboratory The Laboratory is an accredited laboratory staffed by a trained laboratory technician and complies with the Clinic Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA). A wide range of laboratory tests are available, with tests performed on site or by our reference laboratory system.

    The laboratory is located on the first floor and operates from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. daily (with the exception of Wednesday afternoon).

    Requests for laboratory services from civilian providers must be authorized by your primary care manager (PCM) at the Coast Guard Clinic. A request slip and phone number/address for results notification is necessary. The laboratory technicians report results to the PMC and not directly to patients. Laboratory technicians will not interpret test results.

    Post Office

    The U.S. Postal Service has an office on campus located in the basement of Chase Hall. The Mail Room window hours are from 0930 to 1130 and from 1230 to 1600 and provide delivery of larger size Fed EX and Priority Mail packages.

    There are U.S. Mail drop boxes located on campus for sending personal mail, one is located between Munro Hall and Leamy Hall and the other is by the sidewlalk across the street from Yeaton Hall by Hamilton Hall on Campbell Drive.

    Stamps are available for sale through vending machines in the mail room or purchased in the CG Exchange.

    You should provide the following address for your correspondence while attending training at the LDC:


c/o LDC, School Name and Class #
U. S. Coast Guard Academy
37 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320-8107