Law Enforcement Instructor Course

The Law Enforcement Instructor Resident Course is a competency based training program that prepares Coast Guard Unit designated Law Enforcement Instructors with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver Unit Law Enforcement Training in accordance with the U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Competency Qualification Manual (LECQM), COMDTINST 16247.3 (series) and administer Coast Guard Judgmental Use Force Evaluations (JUFE) COMDTINST 3574.5C.
Course Code:
8 training days over 12 days total.
Prerequisites for Attendance:
- Member has at least 12 months at remaining at current unit.
- Member is E-4 or above.
- Member is a graduate of either Basic Boarding Officer Course or Boarding Officer Practical Course.
- Member is an experienced certified Boarding Officer with a minimum of 12 months as a Boarding Officer and has demonstrated the ability to evaluate and instruct personnel in the performance criteria established by the Law Enforcement Competency Qualification Manual and Maritime Law Enforcement Academy’s Unit Law Enforcement Lesson plans.
- Member is qualified to administer JUFE.
- Member possesses, in the opinion of the CO/OIC, the requisite judgment, maturity, attitude, and aptitude to serve as a Unit Law Enforcement Instructor.
Note: Failure to meet the above prerequisites may result in disenrollment from the Maritime Law Enforcement Academy.
All waivers must be approved by COMDT (CG-MLE-2).
Waiver is located online on the MLE-2 Portal.
How to Apply:
Submit Electronic Training Request (ETR) via Direct Access.
Visit TQC's website on the portal for future class dates.
Course Chief:
MLES4 Mitch Workman
Maritime Law Enforcement Academy
(843) 746-7930