Maritime Counter-Trafficking Course (MCTC)

The Maritime Counter-Trafficking Course is a competency-based training program that prepares Coast Guard Boarding Officers to ensure that vessels are in compliance with federal laws, treaties and regulations concerning illicit trafficking. The program is designed to provide a foundation in applicable concepts, stressing “hands-on” practical experience. Emphasis is placed on policy, procedures, officer safety, and practical exercises. The course is designed to benefit Coast Guard personnel in support of Joint Inter-Agency Task Force – South (JIATF-S) operations or other USCG personnel operating in known trafficking areas.
Course Code:
Course Length:
5 Training Days
Prerequisites for Attendance:
1. Member must be a certified Boarding Officer or certified TACLE Boarding Team Member;
2. Member has either 12 months remaining at current unit supporting counter-trafficking operations or is in receipt of orders to a law enforcement billet at a counter-trafficking unit; and
3. Member has a current Secret Clearance.
Due to limited quotas, candidates will be prioritized and assigned orders based on the following parameters:
• PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Boarding Officers at units in direct support of JIATF-S operations or with orders to a JIATF-S deployable unit with the expectation that the member will be serving in an LE capacity.
• SECONDARY AUDIENCE: Boarding Officers at units within D7, D8, and D11, or at Deployable Specialized Forces (DSF) units that are actively and regularly engaged in counter-trafficking operations.
Note: Waivers will be approved on a case-by-case basis by CG MLE-2. The waiver is located on the CG MLE-2 portal page.
How to Apply
Submit an Electronic Training Request (ETR) via Direct Access.
Visit ETQC's website on the portal for future class dates.
Course Chief:
MECS William Porter
U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Academy