Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I get information about joining the United States Coast Guard?
A: Call 1-800-GET-USCG or visit our Recruiting Information page.
Q: What is the SMTC address?
PSC Box 20068
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0068
*If mailing, please include Attn: line or dept.
Q: What is the SMTC FedEx address?
BB-329 Courthouse Bay
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0068
*If sending FedEx, please include Attn: line or dept.
Q: Where can I find information about the course I am attending, like what to bring, convening dates, etc.?
A: Each course has its own page. All school pages can be accessed through the Training page.
Q: How do I get to SMTC?
A: Just print out and follow these driving directions to SMTC.
Q: What do all the acronyms mean?
A: For your convenience, we have compiled a list of acronyms you can use for reference.
Q: How do I submit a request for training?
A: Individual quotas to SMTC courses are managed by Training Quota Management Center (TQC). For unit level training or requests outside the Coast Guard, you must consult with the Training Program Manager, FC-51.