All Students:
Government lodging is directed for students in the SMTC Barracks (BB-148) located at Courthouse Bay. Parent commands must ensure that orders authorize Government Lodging and Government Messing to be reimbursed at the daily meals/incidental rate. Reservations prior to arrival are NOT required. SMTC Barracks Manager and/or SMTC OOD will facilitate student check in upon arrival at Courthouse Bay. The Barracks Manager or the OOD will assign students a room in the SMTC barracks. Students will report to the Barracks in BB-148.
All students will lodge in the barracks. The only exceptions will be in the case of overflow, seniority (at SMTC Command discretion), and gender conflicts within rooms. The member's Commands should NOT authorize lodging outside Court House Bay or in the base BOQ unless coordinated in advance with SMTC. This is in effort to reduce expense, ease the burden of logistics and avoid the delays to training.
Proper attire is required for entering the mess hall; links are provided below to the Dress Code and to other helpful policies and procedures relevant to incoming students reporting to SMTC.
E7 and Above:
E7 and above may reside at the Courthouse Bay BOQ (BB-45) if funded by their Command to do so. Reservations are required and must be made with a military credit card. Students shall call the MCBCL Bachelor Housing Division scheduler at least 60 days prior to arrival. When making reservations, students MUST specifically request the Courthouse Bay BOQ. (See BOQ page for more information.)
BB-148 Rules:
1. Ensure your room is secured prior to leaving the room area.
2. Secure your personal belongings.
3. Do not rearrange the room furniture, for safety reasons.
4. Keep your room clean at all times and take out your trash daily, this will help prevent bugs from trying to enter your room.
5. Keep room chairs inside the room. If you do take the room chair outside to sit on, make sure the chair is returned to the inside of the room prior to leaving the area.
6. Tobacco products only authorized in designated outside areas.
7. Do not discard cigarette butts or trash onto the barracks grounds. Place any waste into the proper receptacles.
8. Do not dispose of your room trash in the laundry room trash cans or the picnic area trash cans. Dumpsters are at the front side of the barracks.
9. Gear adrift will be confiscated daily.
10. For any assistance contact the Barracks Manager during working hours and the OOD after working hours.
-Rooms are two person rooms, equipped with a small refrigerator, microwave, TV/DVD combo, iron, ironing board. There are pillows, linen, comforter and cleaning gear provided in each room.
-Cable and internet services are available via a subscription service. The subscriptions are daily, weekly and monthly. In order to take advantage of the available internet services students are reminded to bring a personal laptop, tablet or other electronic device.
-The barracks DOES NOT provide hotel services, all students are reminded to bring towels, shampoo and other incidental items with them. There are mini-exchanges on base however they have limited supplies.
-Laundry services are available, however laundry detergent is not provided
SMTC Address:
PSC Box 20068
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542
Barracks Manager:
Office: (910) 440-7835
Mobile: (910) 376-2241
Assistant Barracks Manager:
Office: (910)787-9143
Mobile: (910) 581-9433
(910) 581-0824