Dress Code
Outside the classroom, complete uniforms are required including covers. Students from all branches of military service arriving at SMTC for training shall adhere to standards held in accordance with MCBCL Base Order 1020.8X. and COMDTINST M1020.6 (series). Appearance in uniform is a key element for how the public perceives the men and women of the Coast Guard, the Navy and the Marine Corps, and how these men and women honor their country and the service. Personnel are responsible for maintaining their personal appearance and their uniforms to reflect the long and proud history and traditions of the Coast Guard. Commands and personnel in leadership positions at every level are responsible to promote and enforce high standards for uniform appearance. Personnel must maintain proper military decorum and present themselves with pride. For example, when walking from point to point in uniform, members will not smoke, eat, drink, or keep hands in their pockets. Use of handheld electronic devices is discouraged, although limited use for official business is authorized.
Dress code for civilian attire:
Appropriate civilian attire is defined as that which meets common sense standards of safety, decency, neatness, cleanliness, and does not bring unnecessary public attention to the wearer. Wearing or displaying clothing, jewelry, tattoos, etc. depicting drugs or advocating drug use, or of a sexual, crude, or racist nature is strictly prohibited. Standards shall be held in accordance with MCBCL Base Order 1020.8V. and COMDTINST M1020.6. Please review Marine Corps Uniform Regulations.
Examples of inappropriate civilian attire:
Beach or swim wear
Gym or sweat gear (unless participating in physical training)
Tank tops
Short shorts
Ripped or torn clothing
Garments designed as underwear
Shower shoes or flip-flops
Reflective belts for Physical Training (Required):
During periods of reduced visibility (i.e. fog, rain), before morning colors and after evening colors, personnel shall wear retro-reflective clothing, vest or belt when conducting physical training or exercising on or near roadways. They must remain farther than six feet from any roadway.The retro-reflective clothing, vest or belt must be visible from the front and rear at all times. Retro-reflective belts will be available for students during their check in process.