Rules and Regulations
General Information:
Classes convene on Mondays at 0730 unless otherwise noted/directed. Uniform of the day is the USCG Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) for all students. Uniform of the day for PSU personnel is the Combat Utility Uniform (CUU).
For travel and reporting in, civilian attire is authorized. It is recommended that all students travel with a complete uniform in their carry-on luggage in the event that airline baggage is lost or delayed. No rental cars are authorized under training orders.
Students transporting weapons, ammunition or equipment required to be stored in the SMTC armory (BB-327) shall adhere to the rules outlined in the USCG Ordnance Manual. Students transporting weapons or accountable equipment shall coordinate approximate ETA with SMTC OOD and/or SMTC Duty GM.
Graduations shall not be scheduled prior to 1400, unless an exceptional circumstance occurs such as severe weather or a special event. Departing flight reservations should be made for no earlier than 1800. Students who remain on board after graduation are requested to make arrangements with the SMTC barracks manager and/or SMTC OOD.
POV are authorized on MCBCL and require a vehicle pass, which is issued at the base front gate entrance. Parking for students is limited. No student parking in reserved spaces. This includes all parking stalls immediately next to the front and side of BB-326, and other marked stalls.
Except for emergencies, anyone seen by the clinic will be in uniform.
Prior to any departure from the SMTC, it is mandatory to check out with the barracks manager or the OOD in addition to your respective course chain of command.
No students are allowed cell phones in the field during training.
Military bearing and customs and courtesies will be strictly enforced.
Always properly observe morning and evening colors.
Observe all grooming and uniform standards: outside the classroom, complete uniforms are required including proper covers, in accordance with COMDTINST M1020.6 (series). Laundry facilities are located in BB-54 and in the barracks.
No eating, drinking, smoking or talking on cell phones while walking in uniform.
No personal electronic devices (cell phones, pagers, blackberry devices) will be used or turned on while training is being conducted.
No use of such handheld devices are permitted while driving and this policy is strictly enforced on board MCBCL. If it becomes necessary to use a handheld device while driving, find a safe location to pull over.
Do not park or walk on the grass. Use the sidewalks to walk and the parking lots to park at all times.
Government messing rate is directed for all students unless otherwise modified (written amendment to orders) by issuing authority or SMTC. Per diem is not authorized. Students are reimbursed on their travel claim for the cost of three daily meals plus incidentals while TDY for training. Current rate is $13.85 dollars per day. All students are required to pay cash for meals at the Courthouse Bay dining facility (BB-125). Meal cards are no longer issued by SMTC to students for resident individual courses.
Weekend Liberty Restrictions:
Weekend liberty is granted at the discretion of the Commanding Officer, SMTC. In the event that weekend liberty is authorized, the maximum allowable travel distance is limited to a 100 mile radius from MCBCL. Requests for exceptions to this policy shall be made by submitting an out of bounds chit via the chain of command. Members are responsible to return in time to resume scheduled training and can expect to be held accountable in the event of absence. There are area establishments that are deemed "Off Limits" by Marine Corps order. This directive applies to Coast Guard personnel and it is the individual's responsibility to be aware of such establishments. Information can be found here.
Dress Code