Welcome Aboard from the Commanding Officer
Welcome Aboard from the Commanding Officer Welcome to the Special Missions Training Center (SMTC). Our purpose is to provide high-quality, specialized training in tactics, threat engagement, and security in support of United States maritime operations both domestic and abroad. We currently deliver training to more than 2,000 students annually of the armed forces of the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. In addition to more than 150 Coast Guard active duty and Reservists, SMTC is comprised of 44 US Navy Element personnel, 28 contract staff and instructors, and 11 GS civilian employees. Together, our integrated team of professional trainers offers a diverse blend of skills, expertise, and combat experience that rivals any single unit in the world.
As a student at SMTC, you can expect to be challenged by the dynamic, performance-based training in which you will soon be immersed. We maintain an atmosphere of respect and professionalism while being fully committed to provide you the best, most relevant training to support mission demands. Likewise, I expect the same level of dedication, commitment, and professionalism from each student who attends training at SMTC. As you are here to train, I expect your full, undivided attention during every evolution. Our missions are inherently dangerous and so, too, is much of the training that we deliver. Because of this fact, strict application of risk management strategies shall be followed at all times by students and staff alike. Welcome aboard, remain focused, and stay safe.
Remember Unus Humus Unus Pugna - "One Team, One Fight!"
Commanding Officer
Special Missions Training Center