Official websites use .mil
Secure .mil websites use HTTPS
Why should I get more education?
What educational services are available to me?
What educational services are available to my dependents?
How do I find out how many college credits I've earned through military service?
What is this assessment from the Coast Guard Institute?
What is a degree plan?
I'm interested in college, how do I get started?
How can I take college courses when I have to transfer to another area every couple of years?
How do I get my transcript of Coast Guard credits sent to a college I've applied at?
How can I take college courses if I'm stationed on a floating unit?
Are there other ways to earn college credit?
I've heard there's a way I can take up to two years off to work on my education full-time, is that true?
I've heard I can get college credit by taking tests, is that true?
Where can I take these tests?
Can I take one of these tests the same day I tell the ESO I'd like to take one?
Where can I get study materials for these tests?
What is tuition assistance (TA)?
Will TA pay for my books?
Do I incur a service obligation if I use TA?
Can I use TA and the GI Bill at the same time?
But I asked the VA if I can use my GI Bill benefits and tuition assistance at the same time and they said “Yes”. What gives?
How can I figure out if TA will pay for a course I want to take?
If I use TA to pay fro the only course I need to complete a bachelor's degree, will TA later pay for courses necessary to get a second bachelor's degree?
How do I apply for TA?
Do I need to fill out any paper work regarding tuition assistance or anything like before I register for classes?
How long before a course starts do I have to apply for tuition assistance?
How do I know when my TA request has been approved?
I just got my tuition assistance authorization, what do I do with it?
What happens if I go to pay for my courses and find out a course on my authorization is full and I can't take it?
What happens if I don’t finish a course I used tuition assistance to pay for?
How do I cancel an authorization?
Can you explain how the number of months of benefits relates to the time I have to use my GI Bill benefits?
Can I increase the total amount of my GI Bill education benefit?
How do I start using my GI Bill education benefits?
How do I switch to the Post-9/11 GI Bill from one of the others?
How do I transfer my GI Bill benefit to a dependent?
What happens after I transfer the new GI Bill to my spouse?
If I assign some, but not all, of my benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill to my dependents and then die, what happens to the benefits I haven't transferred?
Should I activate my new GI Bill benefits if I'm going to transfer them to my spouse?
I'm a PHS doctor and want to transfer my new GI Bill benefits to my children; how do I do that?
But I asked the DVA if I can use my GI Bill benefits and tuition assistance at the same time and they said “Yes”. What gives?
Will I be able to use the $600 I put into Buy-up when I switch to the new GI Bill?
How do I order a RAT?
Do I need to do anything before I can take my RAT?
How do I schedule a time to take an RAT?
How often do you give end-of-course tests?
Where do I take my end-of-course test?
How is the test administered?
It's been 5 years since I passed my NavRul test, when I take it again is it an open-book test?
What can I use on an open-book test?
What is E-PME?
Where do I get the E-PME study guide?
Where do I get the E-PME Performance Requirements?
Do I have to take a test?
Where do I get the AQE?
Do I need to do anything before I can take my AQE?
How do I schedule a time to take my AQE?
How often do you give AQEs?
Where do I take my AQE?
I want to apply for an officer program, but I don't know anything about it. Where do I start?
What is PPEP?
What's the difference between PPEP and ACET?
Do I need to get my whole application done before I set up an interview?
How do I arrange for an interview?
How long is an interview good for?
What information do I have to provide the interview board members for an OCS interview?
What should I say in my narrative memo?
How can I become a Coast Guard pilot?
What's the difference between a temporary commission and a Reserve commission?
Does it matter which test score (ASVAB, ACT, SAT) I use to qualify for an officer program?
Will the ESO help me with my application?
If I want to apply for more than one program, do I have to prepare more than one application folder?