Facilities Engineering
***For a gas, fire, or HAZMAT emergency, please contact the Fire Department (if calling from on-base landline, dial: 911; if calling from off-base landline/cellphone, dial: 609-898-6333)***
**If this is an urgent issue after hours, call the OOD (609-780-1346)**
*If this is an urgent issue during business hours or you have any questions, call the FE work desk: (609-898-6945)*
For routine requests follow the below instructions to submit a work order or submit feedback.
- For Housing Work Orders:
Send an email to d05-dg-tracencm-feworkorders@uscg.mil including all of the below details:
*Originator’s Name:
* Originator’s Rank/Rate:
Originator’s Department/Division:
*Originator’s Phone Number:
*Originator’s Email:
*Housing Unit Street: (e.g. Pennsylvania or Delaware),
*House Unit Number (e.g. 1400 X (A, B, C, etc))
*Detailed description of the work required: **Include as much information as possible and pictures (e.g. exactly where in the unit the damage is located, specific details about what you witnessed, zoomed out picture showing location of damage, zoomed in picture of damage, etc)**
*Required information
- For FE Work Orders:
When submitting a TRACEN work order, please be sure to CC the building manager and/or assistant manager on the work order request email.
Send an email to d05-dg-tracencm-feworkorders@uscg.mil including all of the below details:
*Originator’s Name:
*Originator’s Rank/Rate:
*Originator’s Department/Division:
*Originator’s Phone Number:
*Originator’s Email:
*Building Number:
*Building Name:
*Room Number:
*Detailed description of the work required: **Include as much information as possible and pictures (e.g. exactly where in the room the damage is located, specific details about what you witnessed, zoomed out picture showing location of damage, zoomed in picture of damage, etc)**
*Required information
- To submit Housing Work Order Feedback:
Send an email to d05-dg-TRACENCM-HOUSINGFeedback@uscg.mil including the below details:
Phone Number:
Customer Feedback: **Include as much information/details as possible**
- To submit FE Work Order Feedback:
Send an email to d05-dg-TRACENCM-FEFeedback@uscg.mil including the below details:
Phone Number:
Customer Feedback: **Include as much information/details as possible**
Training Center Cape May's 2024 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is available by clicking here.