Located on the Coast Guard Training Center in Petaluma California, right off Pennsylvania Avenue and across from the Fire Department, Lighthouse Chapel has a sanctuary for services, trainings and events, a small private prayer room, a playroom for young children, a Sunday school/conference room, and also houses the offices for the Command Chaplain and Chapel Secretary. The Chapel building provides a quiet space for people to meditate, relax and step away from the stresses around them, and is open to people of any religion or those without a faith group.
Services & Times
The Chapel building is open 0800-2100 every day.
Chapel Office Hours are 0830-1630 Monday – Friday, Closed all federal holidays.
Chapel Office Phone (707) 765-7330.
Sunday Roman Catholic Mass held at 0800.
Sunday Non-Denominational Christian Services held at 1000.
Educational Events and Bible Studies
The Chapel provides a variety of Chaplain or Lay Leader Lead Bible Studies for specific faith groups and Spiritual Growth Groups for any interested persons are at various times of the year. Contact the chaplains for upcoming events. Or are you interested in leading a Bible study. If so reach out to the Chaplain to see about becoming a Lay Leader for your faith group.
Roman Catholic Educational Requirements are met in local parishes, please contact the chapel office for more information.
Lighthouse Chapel History
The early 1990’s saw new chapels put into service. The Training Center at Petaluma, California dedicated its new religious activity center, Lighthouse Chapel, on 29 May 1992. The building, originally constructed by the Army in 1943, had served as a recreation building. Slated for destruction in 1988, the demolition plans were changed in favor of salvaging and renovating. The principal speaker for the dedication of the renovated building was Chaplain Goode. Located at the center of the Training Center, this new 150-seat chapel replaced the old 75-seat chapel which was located a half mile west, well outside the training center’s busiest area.
Command Chaplain Bruce C. Maxwell, in the dedication benediction said, “The chapel will provide a space of quiet in a world that moves so quickly, a space to return to our source of strength. Like a solid pointer in a storm, the chapel will be our lighthouse of strength.” (excerpt from “A History of Navy Chaplains Serving with the U.S. Coast Guard”.