Military Attire
Uniform of the day is always appropriate
Civilian Attire
- Patrons may wear civilian attire in the CGDF with the following exceptions:
- Dirty, torn or otherwise mutilated clothing of any kind (includes military uniforms and civilian clothing)
- Combinations of military and civilian clothing (excluding the blue CG t-shirt)
- Headgear of any type (excluding food service personnel on duty, law enforcement personnel under arms, religious headgear, and headgear deemed necessary for medical purposes)
- Plain white V-neck undershirts, Halter tops, Sports Bras, Tank Tops, or any upper-body garment that exposes the midriff or underarm
- Any attire that is sweaty, dirty, or otherwise soiled. This includes gym attire as well as work attire
- Revealing shorts, pants or skirts exposing undergarments
- Any attire that is sweaty, dirty, or otherwise soiled. This includes gym attire as well as work attire
- Revealing shorts, pants or skirts exposing undergarments
- Clothing with language or logos showing or discussing illegal drugs, containing anti-military messages, or depicting messages or pictures that are sexual in nature
- Other clothing deemed inappropriate by the instructors on duty in the galley
Cell Phones
Refrain from usage to official or emergency purposes during Lunch hours due to limited space.
Backpacks & Bags
All backpacks, briefcases, and bags shall be stowed in the hat/coat storage area near the CGDF entrance and not carried into the dining room. Purses are authorized to keep on your person.
Instructors on duty have the authority to remove and report any person(s) not complying with the standards.