School Contacts
- "A" School Contacts
Aviation Survival Technician (AST)
School Chief: ASTCS Kevin Cleary 707-765-7271
Assistant School Chief: ASTC Randy Lopez 707-765-7385
Cullinary Specialist (CS)
School Chief: CSCM Kevin Ball 707-765-7815
Assistant School Chief: CSCS Robert Deaver 707-765-7427
Electronics Technician (ET)
School Chief: ETCM Michael King
Assistant School Chief: ETCS William Walker
Rating Knowledge Manager: ETCM Michael King
Assistant Rating Knowledge Manager: ETC Steven Abrahamsen
Health Services Technician (HS)
School Chief: HSCM Derek Sanchez 707-765-7487
Assistant School Chief: HSCS Eugene Porterfield 707-765-7046
Information Systems Technician (IT)
School Chief: ITCM Javier Gallegos * 707-765-7450
Assistant School Chief: ITCS Raymond Sarabia * 707-765-7038
IT School Graduation Program
(To facilitate Updated files for QRCodes, previous flyers are removed after graduation and restored prior to next event. Clicking the Graduation Program link MAY result in Error 404, this is to be expected, do not report this broken link, contact WebMaster with an updated graduation flyer.)
Operations Specialist (OS)
School Chief: OSCM Robert J. Egbert 707-765-7086
Assistant School Chief: OSCS David Warfel 707-765-7198
OS School Graduation Program for OSA 05-25 *updated 03/24/25
Storekeepers (SK)
School Chief: SKCM Marc Vullo 707-765-7374
Assistant School Chief: SKC Francesca Vercellone 707-765-7693
SK School Graduation Program
Yeoman (YN)
School Chief: YNCM Kevin Farnady 707-765-7105
Assistant School Chief: YNC Megan Churchill 707-765-7117
- "C" School Contacts
Course Developer Course (502092)
School Chief: MSTC Alex Olbert
School Chief: MCPO Glenn Royes 707-765-7958
School Chief: SCPO Jacob Zorbaugh 707-765-7135
Culinary Specialist
School Chief: CSCS Adam Shelton 707-765-7427
FSO-PI FOT (Course Code 100297)
FSO-PVA FOT (Course Code 502174)
Advanced Baking (Course Code 500518)
Instructor Development Course (230140)
School Chief: School Chief: ITC Joe Carrillo
Remote Instructor Development Course (100395)
School Chief: School Chief: BMC Julio Cardenas
Remote Trainer Course (100500)
School Chief: School Chief: BMC Julio Cardenas
Advanced and Leadership Training
Course Developer Course (CDC)
Instructor Development Course (IDCT