International Maritime Officers Course (IMOC) (P171575)
The purpose of this flagship course is to provide professional military education for international maritime officers by providing an in-depth overview of the U.S. Coast Guard organization and the planning and management of its missions while providing American cultural experiences in an environment that fosters the development of long-lasting bonds of friendship.
Established in 1995, this course is designed specifically for international, mid-grade officers or civilians with 7-10 years of maritime experience. The course consists of a 15-week series of seminars, classes, and field studies that present U.S. Coast Guard best practices and policies. The course covers a wide variety of topics including maritime law enforcement, search and rescue, marine safety prevention and response, international rule of law, port security, American culture, crisis management, and military leadership. Guest instructors support the major areas of study and include:
Areas of Study
Search and Rescue Presented by instructors from the Coast Guard National Search and Rescue School, Training Center Yorktown. The purpose of the Search and Rescue (SAR) Coordination and Execution class is to provide the basic SAR knowledge necessary for understanding the fundamentals of planning and coordinating a Search Action Plan (SAP). Subject matter covers: basic SAR System and Organization; Drift Theory; Search Plan Variables; Search Patterns; SAR Communications; On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) Duties; Search and Rescue Resource Unit (SRU) Duties; General SAR Policies; Legal Aspects of SAR; Flare Incidents; and Surface and Aviation Resources. The student must complete a final assessment exercise to pass the class.

Working together towards shared goals
Maritime Law Enforcement Presented by instructors from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), Charleston, South Carolina. The course is a review of maritime legal concepts and practical law enforcement techniques, including use of force, ethics, boarding procedures, search and seizure, and authority/jurisdictional issues.
Marine Safety Presented by instructors from the Marine Inspection and Investigations School, Training Center Yorktown. Topics include port state control and commercial vessel inspections, casualty investigations, pollution prevention and response, Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW), Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) implementation, the regulatory aspects of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS), and the International Safe Management (ISM) code.
Command and Operations Presented by instructors from the Command and Operations School, CG Leadership Development Center. Topics include ship handling, command organization, crew endurance and risk management. Students are able to use a state-of-the-art ship simulator to reinforce professional studies and exercise lessons learned in the Team Coordination Training (TCT) block of instruction. This portion of the course is held at the USCG Academy in New London, Connecticut.
Familiar training with a new twist
Rule of Law and Disciplined Military Operations Presented by guest instructors from the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS), Providence, Rhode Island. Topics include discussions on rules of engagement, the law of armed conflict, maritime security and terrorism, and the role of a military justice system in achieving military objectives.
Crisis Command and Control Presented by guest instructors from Executive Media Professionals and CG Office of Incident Management and Preparedness. This multi-week module develops the skills necessary for decision makers to manage a variety of challenging incidents. Highly interactive instruction consists of contingency planning doctrine familiarization, risk communications, media relations training, risk based decision making, “best response” practices, and the Incident Command System (ICS) Planning Process workshop (ICS-341). The curriculum is reinforced by a tour of a civilian Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and a crisis management tabletop exercise in which participants will use the skills learned to respond to a challenging crisis scenario.
Tactical Operations Training Presented by instructors from the Joint Missions Training Center (JMTC), Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Topics include vessel escorts & security zones, riverine operations, and the development of tactical plans for waterside operations.
Leadership and Management Presented by guest instructors from the CG Leadership and Development Center. This module develops leadership and management skills for supervisors using an experience-based curriculum. Students are given the opportunity to develop practical skills that can enhance their performance as leaders. Areas of focus include strategic leadership, group dynamics, leadership theory and application, motivation, teambuilding, conflict management, ethics, and performance appraisal. The module’s objective is to enhance communication skills for understanding while exerting a positive influence on others. The performance-based training relies heavily on role-playing, case studies, and group activities to facilitate learning.
Field Studies Program
The formal coursework is augmented with a Field Studies Program of tours and activities which include visits to Boston, Massachusetts; New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; and Washington, DC. Instructional, cultural, and educational trips support academic work, expose the student to U.S. culture, and provide an opportunity to learn more about U.S. institutions.
Prerequisites: Prior experience working in or supporting a multi-mission maritime agency, with strong navigational skills and ability to plot navigational courses is essential for practical exercises and group discussions.
Note: This course is not appropriate for noncommissioned officer personnel.
Premier instruction provided by subject matter experts.
International Crisis Command & Control (CCCI) (P162285)
This course is designed to provide the skills necessary for decision makers to manage a variety of challenging incidents. The course consists of contingency planning doctrine familiarization, risk communications, media relations, and Incident Command System (ICS) 100/200/341 training. The curriculum is reinforced by a tour of a civilian Emergency Operations Center and a crisis management tabletop exercise in which participants will use the skills learned during the previous two weeks to respond to a challenging scenario. The student population will consist of up to 24 officers from a mix of maritime nations.
Prerequisites: None
Note: Students should have experience with or currently be assigned to crisis management / response duties.
International Leadership & Management (ILAMS) (P162226)
The course objective is to enhance communication skills for understanding and exerting a positive influence on others. The course provides training in leadership theory and application, situational leadership, teambuilding, group dynamics, performance appraisals, performance problem solving, and personal ethical fitness. The training is experiential and relies heavily on role-playing, case studies, and group activities to facilitate the students’ learning.
Prerequisites: None
Note: Instructors from the Leadership Development Center in New London, Connecticut teach this course at operational units throughout the USCG.
International Maritime Search and Rescue Planning (ISAR) (P173018)
This international student only course is designed to train officers and enlisted personnel on the fundamentals of Maritime Search Planning in the coastal and oceanic environments. Students should be from an agency with a maritime search and rescue mission. Students will study environmental factors in search planning, rescue platform selection, maritime survivability, search patterns, communications, rescue operations, and case closure. The curriculum is designed to introduce search planning concepts consistent with the International Aeronautical and Maritime SAR Manual, promulgated by the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations.
Pre-requisite(s): Strong mathematics skills at the Algebra II level, basic Trigonometry, familiarity with chart navigation and plotting techniques. Practical exercises focus on the use of mathematics to manually develop search plans combined with manual chart planning.
Note: This course is directed to SAR Operators in federal, state, and local emergency services and law enforcement, as well as Civil Air Patrol, international, and volunteer SAR agencies. The target audience includes SAR Planners at Rescue Coordination Centers, on-scene incident commanders and their planners, operational leaders, and their up-channel reporting chain.