Welcome Aboard

Congratulations on your orders to TRACEN Yorktown. Your class advisor or sponsor will be reaching out to you shortly, follow the instructions within their correspondence and feel free to ask questions if necessary. For permanent party or student specific information, please see the information listed below.

Whether you’re here to attend an A or C School, or were selected for assignment as a member of our staff or faculty, know that we are here to make your transition as smooth as possible. We are dedicated to ensuring that you’re provided a positive and respectful work environment and that you have the opportunity to attain your goals, grow within the service, and fully contribute to the accomplishment of the Coast Guard’s mission.

If you are coming from overseas duty, a cutter, or a stateside duty station, you’ll find this area offers comprehensive military facilities and services for you and your families. Additionally, this area is one of the top recreation destinations in the country, offering prime camping and boating opportunities, countless museums and historical sites, and several local theme parks. Reach out to your MWR sponsor or visit the Gym upon arrival to check out their amazing activities.

From the TRACEN Yorktown staff and faculty; welcome and we look forward to working with you.

Class "A" Schools

Welcome A-School Students

Congratulations on your orders to attend A-School. Your hard work and determination has paid off, keep it up and continue with your forward progress. Our instructors are knowledgeable and experienced in their fields and are anxious to share their expertise with you and your classmates.

You should have received or will be receiving an email from your Class Advisor. This email will outline important information applicable to your responsibilities when reporting to the TRACEN. Additional information is outlined below, and also provided via the links to the left. Questions should be directed to your Class Advisor and the POC noted within your orders.


All Class "A" students are to report to the “front desk” of Lafayette Hall for berthing assignments. If reporting in a privately owned vehicle, you will need to process through security upon arriving at the base. Please have your military ID, driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance available. All of which shall be valid. If you have a motorcycle you will need proof of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course in addition to all of the above mentioned. Local CAB services are available from all airports, and in most cases they will be allowed to drop you off at the barracks entrance. Uber and Lyft are not permitted access to TRACEN Yorktown unless their operator is vetted for unescorted access.  Ride-sharing drivers must stop for a commercial vehicle inspection and bring their license, registration and proof of insurance into the security office for vetting.  Drivers must be vetted at least once per calendar year and documented in the automated access system.  This includes drivers that possess a military ID such as a retiree employed as a ride-share driver. These ride-share services are not regulated by the Commonwealth of Virginia and are treated as any other commercial vehicle.  Uber and Lyft operators can typically be identified by having an empty front passenger seat with a rider in the back seat.  Their vehicles have decals on the front or back windows designating them as Uber or Lyft.  Ride sharing services are subject to cease during increased FPCON.  See “Directions” for specific traveling details.


You will have a limited amount of storage space available to you while you are here. DO NOT bring a large amount of belongings with you. Bicycle racks are provided on the inside stairwells on either end of the barracks buildings. See “Barracks Mgmt” link above for specific details, and remember alcohol is prohibited in the barracks.

Weapons Policy

Weapons are not permitted on board TRACEN Yorktown. Make preparations to secure your personal weapons prior to reporting for A-School, you will not be allowed to bring them, or store them, on board the campus. The following items are considered to be “weapons”:

  • Any item capable of propelling a projectile (firearm, BB-gun, paintball gun, slingshot, spear gun, etc…),
  • Any item with a blade(s) exceeding 4 inches in length.
  • Any item used in any form of martial arts

Class "C" Schools

Welcome C-School Students

Congratulations on your orders to attend C-School

You should have received or will be receiving an email from your Class Advisor. This email will outline important information applicable to your responsibilities when reporting to the TRACEN. Additional information is outlined below, and also provided via the links to the left. Questions should be directed to your Class Advisor and the POC noted within your orders.


Class "C" students are provided berthing arrangements based on rank. See bullets bellow for your berthing assignments. If reporting in a privately owned vehicle, you will need to process through security upon arriving at the base. Please have your military ID, driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance available. All of which shall be valid. If you have a motorcycle you will need proof of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course in addition to all of the above mentioned. Local CAB services are available from all airports, and in most cases they will be allowed to drop you off at the barracks entrance. Uber and Lyft are not permitted access to TRACEN Yorktown unless their operator is vetted for unescorted access.  Ride-sharing drivers must stop for a commercial vehicle inspection and bring their license, registration and proof of insurance into the security office for vetting.  Drivers must be vetted at least once per calendar year and documented in the automated access system.  This includes drivers that possess a military ID such as a retiree employed as a ride-share driver.  These ride-share services are not regulated by the Commonwealth of Virginia and are treated as any other commercial vehicle.  Uber and Lyft operators can typically be identified by having an empty front passenger seat with a rider in the back seat.  Their vehicles have decals on the front or back windows designating them as Uber or Lyft.  Ride sharing services are subject to cease during increased FPCON.  See “Directions” for specific traveling details. A reservation at the appropriate facility, based on your rank, has been made in your name for the duration of your TDY stay. Berthing assignments are as follows:

  • E-6 and below; report to Lafayette Hall
  • E-7 and above; report to Cain Hall Frocked Chiefs also report to Cain Hall for berthing.
    *** If you are Frocked to Chief contact (757) 856-2378 in order to ensure proper berthing assignment ***
  • Officers and civilians report to Cain Hall

Weapons Policy

Weapons are not permitted on board TRACEN Yorktown. Make preparations to secure your personal weapons prior to reporting for C-School, you will not be allowed to bring them on board the campus. The following items are considered to be “weapons”:

  • Any item capable of propelling a projectile (firearm, BB-gun, paintball gun, slingshot, spear gun, etc…),
  • Any item with a blade(s) exceeding 4 inches in length.
  • Any item used in any form of martial arts.

Permanent Party

Welcome Permanent Party Civilians and Military

Congratulations on your orders to Training Center (TRACEN) Yorktown and welcome to the team. We enjoy a proud and long-standing tradition of delivering the highest quality training and support to the Coast Guard, our International Military Partners, as well as State and Local agencies and other departments within the U.S. government. We are extremely excited with the additional experience and professionalism you will provide to the team.

You should have received or will be receiving an email from your Sponsor. This email will outline important information that will assist you and your family during this relocation period. Additional information is provided via the links to the left.

The Welcome Aboard Handbook, will outline many resources aimed to enhance your relocation experience. Noted items of interest include Housing options, TRACEN Yorktown’s proximity to neighboring cities/towns, child care & medical information, transportation & temp lodging options, recreational attractions, and applicable base resources. Additional info can be found by Navigating through TRACEN Yorktown’s Portal page, local websites, and via your designated Sponsor. Whatever your concerns, we are here to make your transition into the area as smooth as possible. Questions should be directed to your Sponsor. Again, Welcome Aboard and we all look forward to serving with you.

IRM Check-in Video