Port Operations
Welcome to the Port Operations School. The courses are designed to instruct Coast Guard active duty and reserve officers and enlisted personnel, international maritime officers and enlisted personnel, and other federal agency representatives’ skill sets which enable the student to achieve success during environmental pollution responses, maritime security incidents and maritime disasters. These skill sets are validated through various measurement mechanisms on an annual to tri-annual basis.
- Pollution Incident Response (PIR)
- Federal On-Scene Coordinator Representative (FOSCR)
- MS On-Scene Coordinator Crisis Management (MS-523)
- Waterfront Facilities Inspection (FAC)
- Explosive Handling Supervisor (MS-496)
- Sector Command Cadre
- Sector Department Head Indoctrination
- Container Inspection Training/Assist Team (CITAT)
Coast Guard Employee Access
It is recommended each Coast Guard employee visit TCYorktown's Portal site for additional Port Operations training information. Coast Guard Employee Access.