No walk-ins. 

CAC holders will be issued/re-issued ID cards only if the current card expires within 30 days or if the card does not function. Call for any extenuating circumstances: 609-898-6337. 

Dependent children must be age 10 or older for an ID card.  If there are extenuating circumstances, call: 609-898-6337/6226.

Dependency changes should be reported immediately (i.e. marriage, birth, divorce, death, etc.), by appointment. 

*Do NOT bring unnecessary family members or other guests to your appointment. 

 Hours of Operation (Last appointment is at 1500)

Recruit Processing
Recruit Processing



Recruit Processing


Grad Dependent Processing








ID Card Office Online (for Self-Service)

To make some ID Card / DEERS tasks more convenient, sponsors can use ID Card Office Online to

1. Schedule an appointment.

2. Update contact information (i.e. address, phone, email) for the member and dependents. 

3. Generate and electronically sign a DD-1172-2 form.

4. Request a dependent be added to DEERS.

5. Activate the PIV authentication certificate on the CAC.


Canceling / Rescheduling Appointments
To cancel your appointment, you can call 609-898-6337/6226 or
Then, you can make a new appointment.  


Required Documentation / Identification **Call with any questions – 609-898-6337/6226

1. All documents / identification must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

2. Identification cannot be EXPIRED or TEMPORARY or DESTROYED. *Except as noted in the Secondary ID section below.

3. Two forms of identification are required, and one of them must be a gov’t issued picture ID (i.e. Primary ID).

4. Identification must be two different types (i.e. cannot be two foreign passports, two state driver licenses, etc.).

5. Any foreign documents must be translated into English officially transcribed and CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

* Any previously issued military ID cards must be returned to the ID Office, including previously reported lost cards.



IMPORTANT: You must have at least one ID from the “Primary Identification” list below.


Primary Identification
(Must have at least one Primary ID with picture)

Secondary Identification

  • U.S. Military / Dependent ID Card
  • State Driver License / State ID Card
  • U.S. Passport / U.S. Passport Card
  • Foreign Passport
  • Permanent Resident / Alien Registration Card (I-551)
  • Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766)
  • Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card
  • *Expired CAC
  • Social Security Card
  • Birth Certificate
  • USCG Merchant Mariner Card
  • Voter Registration Card
  • Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (N-560 or N-561)
  • Certificate of Naturalization (N-550 or N-570)
  • U.S. Citizen ID Card (I-197)
  • ID Card with Picture from Federal, State, Local gov’t.
  • ID Card for Resident Citizen in the U.S. (I-179)
  • Certification of Birth from Dept of State (FS-545)
  • Report of Birth from Dept of State (DS-1350)
  • *Temporary Resident Card (I-688)
  • Employment Authorization Card (I-688A)
  • Reentry Permit (I-327)
  • Refugee Travel Document (I-571)
  • Employment Authorization from DHS (I-688B)
  • Foreign Gov’t ID with Picture
  • Canadian Driver License
  • Native American Tribal Document

For Children Under Age 18

If none of the above Primary ID are available, the IDs listed below are acceptable as Primary ID.

  • Social Security Card
  • School ID with Picture
  • Official School Record or Report Card
  • Official Hospital Record
  • Day-care or Nursery School Report


Renewing ID Card / Expiring ID Card

Up to 90 days prior to the expiration date, bring in two types of ID (see above list).  The Sponsor (i.e. service member) must be present for any dependent ID cards, unless the Sponsor has already provided a DD-1172-2 form via ID Card Office Online or by visiting an ID Office.

CAC Problems:  Follow the Guidance Below

Cannot Login

Contact your IT support (Coast Guard contact CGFIXIT.)

Website Issues

Contact your IT support (Coast Guard contact CGFIXIT.)

Email Issues

Contact your IT support (Coast Guard contact CGFIXIT.)

Locked Account

Contact your IT support (Coast Guard contact CGFIXIT.)

Blocked Account

Visit the ID Office to confirm identity and reset PIN.

Lost / Stolen / Etc.

You will need to provide a police report (i.e. CGPD is good), and two forms of ID (see above list).


Dependent ID Cards

Up to 90 days prior to the expiration date, the sponsor must accompany their dependent in order to sign a DD-1172-2 form.  If the sponsor is not available, the sponsor must provide to their dependent a DD-1172-2 by visiting an ID Office or from ID Card Office Online, or a Power of Attorney (POA).  The dependent must bring in two types of ID (see above list). 

Graduate Dependents

If you are a dependent of a recruit in week 8 and planning on attending graduation, your sponsor will have the opportunity to sign you up for an ID after graduation if you have yet to receive one. This is a complementary service and not mandatory to receive one after graduation. You may also reach out to your local ID card office to schedule an appointment with them. If you have been scheduled an appointment by your sponsor for after graduation, the ID card office will contact you the day before graduation to remind you of your appointment time and to bring two valid forms of identification.   


Advancements & Promotions

If you advanced / promoted within 7 days, bring the signed certificate with you, or bring the OPAL / EPAA / CDW, and two forms of ID (see above list).  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED, as applicable. 


Enlistments & Extensions / New Contracts

If you signed the contract within 7 days, bring your signed contract with you and two forms of ID (see above list).  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED

Retirements & Separations / RELAD

Two forms of ID are required (see above list) and signed Original Orders or your DD-214 form, if applicable. 

NOTE: You cannot receive the ID card of your new status (i.e. retired / reserve) until the official effective date (i.e. cannot be issued while on terminal leave / cannot be issued while on active duty).

Full-Time College Students (Children Age 21 to 23)

Two forms of ID are required (see above list). The sponsor must accompany the student and bring an accredited college registrar's letter that states: 1) full-time status 2) in pursuit of a degree 3) with an anticipated graduation date.  The ID card will be valid until the graduation date or 23rd birthday, whichever is sooner.  The sponsor must also provide a DD-1172-2 by visiting the ID Office or from ID Card Office Online.  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

100% Disabled American Veteran (DAV) Cards

Two forms of ID are required (see above list); DD-214; and a letter from the VA that states 1) 100% disabled that is service-connected, 2) temporary or permanent, 3) any future exams or not, 4) commissary and exchange privileges authorized.  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

Adding Your Spouse to DEERS

The sponsor must be present OR provide a Power of Attorney, and provide Marriage Certificate, Spouse Birth Certificate, Spouse SSN Card, and a Spouse Primary ID (see above list).  The sponsor must also provide a DD-1172-2 by visiting an ID Office or from ID Card Office Online.  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.
NOTE: Common law marriages only apply if they took effect in a state that recognizes common law marriages.

Adding Your Children to DEERS

The sponsor must be present OR provide a Power of Attorney, and provide Child Birth Certificate and SSN Card.  If the Child Birth Certificate or SSN Card is not available (i.e. newborn child), Proof of Live Birth from the hospital is acceptable for a temporary 60-day DEERS profile.  Medical coverage will expire for the child if the official Birth Certificate and SSN Card are not provided within 60 days. For stepchild, the sponsor must provide Marriage Certificate in addition to the Stepchild Birth Certificate and SSN Card.  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

Adding Your Children Born Out of Wedlock

Female sponsors: Birth Certificate and SSN Card. Male sponsors: Court order establishing paternity or a State Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity Form, Birth Certificate, SSN Card. All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

Adding a Dependent Ward

You will need to provide a letter of approval from PPC (RAS) or PPC (LGL), a Court Document placing the child in the sponsor’s household, Birth Certificate and SSN Card. All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

Enrolling Your Parent as a Dependent

You will need to provide a letter of approval from PPC (RAS) or PPC (LGL), the Sponsor’s Birth Certificate, and a valid picture ID. Plus, you must provide picture ID of your parent and their SSN Card.  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

Enrolling Your Parent-in-Law as a Dependent

You will need to provide a letter of approval from PPC (RAS) or PPC (LGL), the sponsor SPOUSE’s Birth Certificate, and a valid picture ID. Plus, you must provide picture ID of your parent-in-law and their SSN Card.  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

Civilians Deploying Overseas

Two forms of ID are required (see above list), and a completed DD Form 2365. Please double-check with your agency to ensure the DD-2365 is properly completed.  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED.

Contractors Deploying Overseas

Two forms of ID are required (see above list), and a SOFA agreement, and SPOT LOA. Please double-check with your agency to ensure all forms are properly completed.  All documents must be ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED / NOTARIZED