Training Center Cape May is the 5th largest base in the Coast Guard and the sole accession point for the entire enlisted workforce. This is why we consider the training center the birthplace of the enlisted corps and Cape May County, the Coast Guard’s Hometown.

Our vision is to maximize and blend innovation and strategic goals to grow the Commandant's vision of a Ready Workforce 2030 and develop the next generation of Coast Guard personnel ready to lead the world’s best Coast Guard into the next century while increasing retention.

Training Center Cape May’s mission is to transform the recruits of today into the Coast Guardsmen of tomorrow while providing superior mission support to our tenant commands. While our primary mission is to develop the enlisted workforce for the U.S. Coast Guard, we see our mission as having four parts:  Deliver dynamic training that sets the foundation for our professional culture and develops job ready skills to build our workforce for generations to come; Proactively maintain our current facilities and create a culture of sustainability to strategically modernize and update facilities to meet our evolving workforce needs; Provide timely customer centered services that are transparent, compliant and tied to operational requirements; and Make Cape May County feel like the Coast Guard's hometown.