Welcome aboard! The Coast Guard's future begins here in Cape May, New Jersey. Coast Guard Training Center Cape May is the home of the Coast Guard's enlisted corps -- it is our nation's only Coast Guard enlisted accession point and recruit training center. More than 4,000 of America's finest young men and women arrive each year for the first chapter of their Coast Guard career - boot camp. Our mission is to transform America's civilian volunteers into military members of the United States Coast Guard. At Training Center Cape May, we are guided by the Coast Guard's core values of Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty.




Warren D. Judge,  U.S. Coast Guard

Commanding Officer

Training Center Cape May


 Recruit Training
 Frequently Asked Questions:


Question:    My Recruit will be attending the START Program after graduation, what is that?

Response:  START Program: Supporting Your Recruit’s Transition to Success

The Sentinel Transformation & Readiness Training (START) Program is a specialized five-day training course held at TRACEN Yorktown, VA, designed to assist recently graduated non-rates in their transition from recruit training to active service.

What to Expect:

  • After graduation from basic training, all Active Duty members will attend the START Program at TRACEN Yorktown, VA. Reservists and CSPI recruits will not attend.
  • Graduates will be granted local leave (within 100 miles of Cape May) from the Friday of graduation at 1200 or 12:00 PM until Saturday evening at 2000 or 8:00PM, should they choose to do so. They will have the option to remain on base if they so choose.
  • They will depart TRACEN Cape May as a company on Sunday morning via government procured transportation, arriving in the afternoon at TRACEN Yorktown, where they will complete the START Program.
  • Upon completion of the START Program on the following Friday, every graduate will travel from TRACEN Yorktown to the Richmond VA airport via government procured transportation.
  • From there, they will either be authorized take earned leave or proceed to their new units.

The START Program is designed to equip recruits with the tools and knowledge they need to be successful as they transition into fully-fledged members of the Coast Guard. It is a key step in ensuring they are ready for the next phase of their service and career.

I have questions about my recruit’s status or progress in training.  Who do I talk to?

The Coast Guard strictly adheres to all Federal Laws regarding recruit privacy. No person at Training Center Cape May (TCCM) is permitted to release information about a recruit or their status without written permission from that recruit.  We understand family members are especially interested in details when a recruit is assigned to the Regimental Hold Element, the Ward, or otherwise delayed in training.  High interest of family members does not relieve us of our requirement to follow the law.  A family member’s best source of information about their recruit comes from the recruit themselves when they are afforded the opportunity to use the telephone and when they write home. If they are set back in training at any point, they will be afforded the opportunity to make a phone call. Additionally, they will be afforded opportunities to provided updates as they become available.

I need to contact my recruit because of a family emergency. How do I do it?

American Red Cross communication services keep military personnel in touch with their families following the death or serious illness of a family member or other important events, such as the birth of a child. The Red Cross quickly sends these communications on behalf of the family to members of the U.S. Armed Forces serving anywhere in the world, including ships at sea. The information or verification in a message assists the service member's commanding officer with making a decision regarding emergency leave. Active-duty service members stationed in the United States and their immediate family members may call the Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Service Centers for help 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The toll-free telephone number for the American Red Cross Emergency Communication Services is 1-877-272-7337. Additional information can be found here: Emergency Communication Services | Military Family Support (

How can I find out if my recruit is graduating?

Recruits are required to contact their family if their training is disrupted, and they will not graduate on time. If you have not heard from your recruit, no news is good news. In later weeks of training recruits will have additional opportunities to call home and provided updates about graduation, their orders, and the next steps in their careers after graduating from training.

Medical Hold/Medical Issues

A recruit may be placed on a medical hold for several reasons.  All medical holds occur at the recommendation of competent medical authorities. When a recruit is placed on a medical hold, they will typically be placed in the Regimental Hold Element or remain on the Ward at our medical facility. They are always given an opportunity to contact family members to update them on their status.  Only a recruit may relay their medical information without prior approval. TCCM Regimental Staff are not parties in medical discussions between recruits and their doctors.  Time in medical hold status depends on the specifics of each case.  If a recruit has a temporary condition, they may spend very little time on a medical hold. If a recruit’s condition is not compatible with service in the Coast Guard, the time on a medical hold may be spent pursuing a waiver and/or going through a discharge process.  There is no set timeline for this.  While on a medical hold, recruits continue to receive pay, benefits, and medical care.

What is the Discharge Hold Element? What does this mean?

Recruits placed in the Discharge Hold Element are being processed for separation form the United States Coast Guard. This can happen for several reasons, most are not punitive in nature, the recruit is simply not compatible for service at this time, and most are afforded the opportunity to try again in the future (but must do so through a recruiter). There is no set timeline for this process, we strive to make the process as efficient as possible while ensuring each case is carefully considered and each recruit receives due process. Recruits will be afforded opportunities to provide updates to family on a regular basis.

I cannot attend graduation in person, is there an option to watch the graduation?

Yes! We live stream every recruit graduation on the official U.S. Coast Guard Training Center Cape May Facebook Page starting at 1100.

Please see the Graduation Info page: Graduation

What is my recruit’s mailing address? When will they receive mail?

Recruits shall receive their mail daily, beginning on Wednesday of week two. They will have time every day to read and write letters, but this time is limited, so please understand that you communication back from your recruit may be sporadic and infrequent. Your letters are still encouraged and can help your recruit remain motivated while in training. The mailing address for TCCM is:

SR (Last Name, 1st Initial)

Company (ex; Foxtrot-187)______Hall

1 Munro Ave.


Cape May, NJ 08204

What are recruits allowed to receive in the mail?

Recruits are allowed to receive letters, small pictures (but all photos must be in good taste and reflect the professional atmosphere of the training center), and two religious references, which includes books, studies, etc. Recruits may keep up to two newspaper clippings or magazine articles.  If a recruit receives a package, it must be opened in the presence of a Company Commander to ensure no unauthorized items are introduced into training. Recruits shall be offered the opportunity to mail unauthorized items back to the sender at the recruit’s expense or dispose of it. Recruits can purchase all essential items while in training, so care packages are not needed or recommended. Please do not send your recruit packages of civilian clothing, toiletries, food items, explicit photos, etc. as they will not be permitted to keep them. The recruits are also not allowed to receive any items that are to be taken orally, such as cough drops, water flavoring packets or drops and any type of medicine.